Revolutionary War Soldier
Hermanus Brown was born November 28,1761,, on his family’s
farm in what is now the Spring Garden section of Nutley. He was
the son of Henry B. Brown and Rachael Burger and was baptized at
the Second River Dutch Reformed Church (Belleville) December 6,
1761. He grew up learning the skills of farming.
ln 1775 militias were formed in defense against Great Britain.
Hermanus’s father Henry enlisted and became a lieutenant in the
1st Regiment of the Essex Militia. ln 1780 Hermanus enlisted and
was a private in Captain Dodd’s Company of the 2nd Regiment.
On June 7, 1780 the Essex Militia was engaged against the British
at the Battle of Connecticut Farms (Union, NJ). On June 8, 1780,
the Essex Militia chased the British back toward Elizabeth. As
they crossed a field, British cannon fire came from the tree line.
Hermanus Brown was struck by a cannon ball and killed. He was
18 years old. His father Lt. Henry Brown and cousins Private John
Brown and Private lsaac Brown were also on the battlefield and
returned Hermanus’s body to Second River. Hermanus Brown was
buried at the Dutch Reformed Church Cemetery in Second River
(Belleville), NJ. He was the first known soldier of Nutley to give his
life in service to his new country.
“Behold me here, as you pass by,
My friends prepare to follow me”
Epitaph on Hermanus Brown’s Original Headstone