Research Medical Officer / United States Air Force
Dr. Richard A. Albanese received the Outstanding Civilian Career Service Award in
recognition of his distinguished service as a civil service employee with the United
States Air Force. His work in directed energy, statistics, and applied mathematics
led to revolutionary breakthroughs and his discoveries will have an effect on his
field for generations to come. He mentored many young scientists and engineers
and steadfastly helped shape the future of research and development within the
Department of Defense.
Dr. Albanese is a 1958 graduate of Nutley High School. He was graduated from
Princeton University in 1962 with a major in chemistry and a minor in mathematics.
He received his M.D. degree from Columbia University in 1967. Realizing the acute
need for physicians in the military, he transferred to active duty from the Air Force
Reserves in 1971. After active duty he moved to the Air Force civilian support
During his 39 years of dedicated federal service, Dr. Albanese defined and directed
numerous basic and exploratory research development programs. He successfully
supervised a branch, a division, and numerous research teams that worked on
addressing urgent needs for the United States. Within government, industry, and
academia, Dr. Albanese is a recognized expert in his research field, especially with
regard to the effects of radiation from devices on human tissue. A recipient of
many awards and honors, he has been recognized with a lifetime achievement
award and holds several classified patents. Among his many achievements, he was
assigned to lead the study on Vietnam veterans and their exposure to the herbicide
Agent Orange, which determined that Agent Orange is responsible for a host of
illnesses. Dr. Albanese worked with Admiral Zumwalt and Senator Tom Daschle
to write legislation for veterans to receive medical care necessitated by illnesses.
caused by Agent Orange exposure. Dr. Albanese testified several times before
House and Senate Committees on military health issues.
ln 2011, Dr. Albanese founded ADED Company (Albanese Defense and Energy
Development Company) where he is the lead scientist.